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Harp is American singer-songwriter Tim Smith (born Timothy Patrick Smith), alongside his wife Kathi Zung. Currently based in the UK and in Durham, NC, Smith was a founder member of American band Midlake and quit the band in 2012.

The debut album, "Albion", was released in 2023.

Since leaving Midlake, Smith has performed just once, with Lost Horizons (at London’s Festival Hall in 2018), the collective co-founded by Bella Union boss (and former Cocteau Twin) Simon Raymonde, after Smith had contributed vocals and lyrics to “She Led Me Away” for the collective’s 2017 debut Ojalá. Smith subsequently went on to contribute vocals and lyrics for the track “Grey Tower” on Lost Horizons’ second album, In Quiet Moments.

The artist is not Harp & The Soul Disciples.

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