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  • Years Active

    2009 – 2024 (15 years)

  • Members

    • Damon Way
    • Justin Anastasi
    • Keven Tecon
    • Luigi Pianezzola
    • Luis Vasquez (2009 – 2024)
    • Matteo Vallicelli

The Soft Moon was a San Francisco based neo- band composed of Luis Vasquez (singer/songwriter/guitar/synthesizers), Justin Anastasi (bass), Damon Way (synthesizers) and Ron Robinson (visuals). Keven Tecon joined the band as a drummer in early 2012. The Soft Moon has taken cues from early /post-punk bands such as Chrome, Suicide, Danse Society and The Units.

The Soft Moon was founded by Luis Vasquez as a solo project in 2009. He released two singles, "Breathe the Fire" and "Parallels", while working on his debut Self Titled LP. Prior to the release of the LP, Vasquez directed his energy into building a band around his project with the aim to deliver a full sensory experience within the context of live performance.

On January 19, 2024, The Soft Moon's official Instagram account published a post informing the death of Luis Vasquez.

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