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A song depicting a person telling their lover that they’ll come around and surprise their lover by becoming a better person and being there when things aren’t going well. The narrator has hurt the person he loves so many times in the past, and it seems as though nothing will ever change. He vows that even if it takes forever, he will change, both for the well-being of the relationship and the person he loves to show that he really cares.

“'Untitled” was a piece of music that was cultivated to open shows, well before we had any designs to make a record. It was a way to introduce the band live. And then by virtue of having performed it so many times, it became clear that this was our theme music to announce the band, and it felt appropriate to include it as such on our first album.'"

"'Daniel would come in with these very specifically executed guitar melodies, pretty much always in the baritone range, that already had a world within them. And to be able to convey a whole spiritual world of a song in just a melody – which you can imagine drums and bass and keyboards and vocals wafting around in – is a type of genius. “Untitled” is a great example of that.'"

- Daniel Kessler and Carlos Dengler in an interview with Pitchfork.

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